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A Strong Core Means More than Washboard Abs!

A strong core not only guides every single movement the body makes but protects the back too. The low back specifically tends to be a common site of injury for most people. This article will review several main benefits of a strong core. I’m sure you will discover more benefits once core strengthening techniques are put into everyday practice.

Why a Strong Core is Needed

The abdominal muscles (rectus and transverse abdominis, and obliques) and the erector spinae muscles work together like a girdle to hold the trunk of the body upright. The trunk is our center of gravity, our core, our solar plexus (third chakra), or however you like to describe the center portion of the body. When the core is weak, injury happens and when it is strong a wide variety of movements become effortless. A strong core helps to balance the body’s weight and hold a grounded center.

Engage the Core Before any Movement

Whether you’re lifting a dumbbell at the gym or bending down to pick up something, you must always contract your abdominals before lifting. A contracted core makes any movement become more stable.

  • Balancing on one leg

  • Walking

  • Jumping

  • Twisting

  • ·Swimming

  • Even makes standing still stronger, more upright, and balanced.

  • Improves your posture while sitting.

  • Many more…

    Being able to keep the core contracted throughout the day, for almost every movement (to include standing and sitting) requires awareness and then takes practice until it’s second nature.

A strong Core Makes Movements More Fluid and improves Endurance

A strong core provides balance and stability, which makes transitioning from movement-to-movement fluid. A strong engaged core is used in dance, yoga, and exercising. A strong core allows for smooth fluid movements while performing these and other similar activities. A strong core also makes your movements more supported and easier, thus increasing your endurance.

A Strong core protects your back

The one of the most reported area of overuse injury is the low back. This is so true for folks who stand all day like massage therapists as well as for people who sit all day for work. Being on your feet all day coupled with poor posture or poor body mechanics puts the low back at risk. The low back is susceptible to injury unless the core is strong. The core muscles creates a girdle-like hold for the back and allows for supported movements. You know that person who says their back “went out?” When they tell you it happened as they were leaning over to pick up a pencil, or sweeping…they probably need to strengthen their core. There are many examples of back pain starting for no apparent reason but it always comes down to a weak core. If you have a physical job it is best performed with a strong core. A strong core means better chances for a pain-free back.

Alternative methods

Massage therapy will help to ease or remove acute back pain, but if your low back pain is chronic then you will need to do more. Once you have minimized or released the pain you need to strengthen the core. In addition to core exercises working one-on-one with a Yoga Therapist or incorporating non-flow style yoga classes such as: Yin Yoga or Restorative yoga. Our in-house Yoga Therapist, Pamela S. Eggleston can assist you in this area. As well as all the Indulgence Health massage therapists can treat your low back pain. We also have CBD pain balm or oil that can be used at home.

Exercises for a Strong Core

What’s the best way to go about getting a strong core? Just start with one exercise! Consistency in exercise is proven to last longer when goals are simple and realistic.

Keep it simple pick one core exercise and start with that. It could be lower leg lifts, high knees, or plank. Master one before adding others. In the next article we will cover core exercises in depth.

By Venise “Indulgence Girl” Dixon